Tuesday, November 30, 2010

HOI GUYS! ...oh what?!

You know how when you're really bored, you just type random things into google? (Mostly to see if anyone else had searched the same thing, or how many times people had searched it)

Well me being me, I typed into Google: "HOI GUYS". I should have realised it was a terrible idea when no suggestions came up, and I should've just stopped there. But no, I had to press enter.

Just to make sure you get a better "effect", try it yourself. See what happens, then continue reading my post.


It comes up with links to "HOT GUYS".
I didn't even have that brief moment of blankness before realisation. I just immediately clicked exit.  Maybe I should delete my history... just in case somebody sees it, and thinks I'm gay.

Well, at least I didn't select Google images!!! I really dodged a bullet there. Thank the lord.

After that incident, I am even more certain that Google can be pretty dangerous if you're not careful. And if you think I'm over-reacting, go take a good look at China. They completely KILLED Google because it let their people view porno.

Chinese Government.


Rowan Atkinson's Sick Sense of Humour

So I was over at David's house last Sunday and I brought along a few videos. David found none of them funny... Ian on the other hand, cracked up laughing non stop for five minutes.

Thus, I have decided to show the video to you guys and homo(nym)s the video.

I admit that the first minute is kind of boring, but it does get funnier...

Monday, November 29, 2010

What IS that sound?

I started hearing a strange sound roughly at around 8:30. It sounded like someone was inhaling that special air... you know, with that cup up against your mouth? It's normally for smokers who have emphysema...

Like that sorta...

So anyway, I originally thought it was my dad, because it started exactly when my dad came home. I thought it was like an air conditioner or something in our new car (that we just got today! HOW EXCITING).

But then he came in and started to watch TV, and I moved from the rumpus to the study. The sound actually stopped for a while, and I completely forgot about it... Until it started again. So I went back into the rumpus, where my dad was watching TV, and asked him what the hell that sound was.

He replied by saying: "I thought it was you" (In Chinese of course... becuase he's Chinese, and Asian Parents cannot speak any other language.) So I got pretty confused.

I decided to follow the sound, until I realised it was coming from outside. Being 8:30pm, it was really fking dark outside. So instead of being confused, I was confused AND REALLY VERY SCARED. It was exactly like one of those horror movies where the victim follows a strange sound, then gets raped. And I did not want to get raped.

So, I thought to myself: "you're god, if you die, the world would be screwed!"

So I gathered up my courage, and walked outside... into my dark, dark backyard.

I continued to follow the sound, and realised it came from the other side of our fence. I peeked over, and saw.......................................................................................................................................................................................................

a guy that was asleep in his backyard, snoring.

Well, that's that. Once again, just as I thought I was going to come across something that was going to dramatically change my life, it turns out to be... well, in this case a snoring old man.

Is he dead?


I like spoons

I like spoons
I like rusty spoons
The feeling of rust against my fingers is almost... orgasmic
(Watch to find out what the hell I'm going on about)


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Torrential downpour, episode 2

So today's weather followed up nicely to yesterdays'. Like yesterday, it was pouring down again, maybe not as much but still enough to ruin my backyard. Here's a video:
As you can see, that's my backyard and it's pretty much ruined because of the rain. The retard in the background is none other than I, Ryou, leader of the chosen golden dragon warriors of the shadow realms of doom of justice that disgusting Otaku that everyone hates. It's taking a while for me to upload this video since it's 720p goodness. I just thought of something. Since Christmas is just around the corner, and a snowing Christmas would be called a 'White Christmas', would this be called a 'Transparent Christmas'? Or would it still count as white Christmas since water is liquid snow? But snow is white when it's found in piles, while water is blue but water is only blue because it reflects the color of the sky. Maybe it would be called 'Blue Christmas'. But if there was White and Blue, would there be Yellow Christmas, or Red Christmas?

Okay, the video finished uploading and I will stop talking about retarded topics. Oh wow, They diminished my 720p video into a 240p. Bullshit.


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Friday, November 26, 2010

Backstreet Yieuoays!!!!

Its' the Backstreet Yieuoays!!!! (See the backstreet boys reference there?)

Yes, we've all heard of the Backstreet Boys. We have all also heard of Yieuoay. What happens if we put them together?
Its the Backstreet Yieuoays!!!!!

Just a few comments on the video...

  1. Rohit went out of the frame.
  2. Austin over did the yieuoay
  3. David's was just wierd
  4. Ian's was a small yieuoay... would have prefered a louder one.

Why Its Called Povale


So, its the last day of school (December program does not count). Its been a great school year, and before I start this blog, I would like to thank all my great friends for this wonderful 8th grade. So, I just spilled my heart out in a sentence. No... I have always hated you guys. I should never have joined your group. You made me into a shell of a man with your friggin Yieuoay business. (Jksjksjks)


Alright then, why is Highvale Secondary College so crudely christened Povale? Stay tuned to find out.

As everyone knows, its been a massive washout. Flash flooding in roads, schools, garages. Water seeping into houses blah blah blah. At Povale, things managed to take a turn for the worst.

At the start of the heavy rain, we thought it would be fun to dance in the rain and mess up our hair to look bad-ass (see picture below).

You can't deny Michael's badassery

Soon, the rain seemed to only become heavier and it was now impossible to stand out in the rain. Bags got wet and the roof started to leak... Michael, David and Rohit ditched us, leaving behind Tim, Ian and me. Mike, Dave and Rohit... you guys missed out on all the fun.

Those who remained behind decided to go into the gym for some shelter. We were wrong to have done so. Water was seeping in through the gym doors, the roof was leaking and Ian had an unfair advantage in table-tennis with his rubber bat.

I recieved a call from my Dad a few minutes later, requesting me to pick my brother up. The following video is of terrible quality since it was taken by my phone. Feast your mortal eyes on Highvale's new swimming pool!!!

I've got all the other images on my phone, maybe I could show to you guys on MSN sometime...

Yes ok... back to topic...

WE went over to pick my little (see how I condescned on him by saying "little") brother up and it turned out that the Primary school wasn't spared from the flooding either. The oval was mushy, the water reached up to our ankles and their Sandbox was filled to the brim with murky rain water.

Awww... your the little pathetic sandcastle you built with your hands at lunch time is gone? WELL live with it!!!!

Yes... on our way back, we happened to cross the School's tennis courts. It was completely flooded. Curious little Timothy Lim decided to throw a rock to see how deep the water was. Guess what? All we heard was a plop, saw a splash and the stone sunk into the water, never to be seen again.

I'd like to see you MidWeek Ladies play on the courts now!!! STUFF YOU!!!!
So... that concludes our adventure for today. It's been a long post, but that will make up for the entire month I spent in solitude, WORKING ON MY FRIGGIN ASSIGNMENTS!!!!!
um... I'll see you guys at the Melbourne High Orientation Day then....

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Halo movie and Xbox 360 bday

First of all, there is gonna be a Halo movie. No one knows when, but there certainly will be.


Also, the Xbox 360 celebrated its 5th birthday two days ago... so happy b'day :D

Wow, can you believe it? This is a cake!

It has sold better than the Wii, and Play Station 3 for the past 5 months. That's rite bitches. I knew it was way better than both of them (cos they both suck); that's why I got it, and that's why I'm smart, and I'm just so cool like that.

Just joking, they're all awesome.


In fact, I think that they should be brothers. I makes me cry when gamers use them against each other :'(
Awwww.... <3


My thoughts on life

This is Austin (aka Mr Bond or Huong Bau Fau Tau) and I'm next to talk about my views on life. I don't believe in religion, but I respect the morals taught and the premise of having someone who's always there for you. Nor do I believe that we are all inside the mind of a six year old girl inside a mental institute on the Planet Roboa in the Sttttal Nebula. I have a scientific mind, and believe in evolution and other life in the universe. Of course, I doubt any major breakthroughs will be made in my lifetime, but I still am fascinated by the universe and it's endless endlessness. Please don't judge me by my religious views.

When I die, I (hope) I'm buried underground or shoved into a vase, and I don't believe in multi-layered dreams or any of that gobbledygook. Death shouldn't be sugar-coated and if people actually accept it, maybe people will make the most of the (hopefully) 70 or so years we're given.

I don't get racism. I don't get war. Why can't everyone just be at peace? Imagine all the people... sharing all the world. Well at least you can imagine, because there are a lot of corrupt politicians out there. I'm straight, but I'm not homophobic. Many ancient civilisations involved homosexuality (You know that movie 300? The real King Leonidas committed pederasty. Google that term if you dare...) and some of the greatest writers and performers were gay, so why all the hate? People should be allowed to express their true feelings...

My life's ambition is not to make lots of money, as I am not materialistic like that. I wish to be a writer, but wishes are wishes, right? I LOVE video games, preferably Nintendo, and spend hours upon hours making my mark... on the couch. Music also makes me happy and learning an instrument is good for the soul.

I find I tend to be very self-centred and overtly dramatic, but I also am very self-conscious. I always try to be a good person and be kind to everyone, but it seems I'm not doing very well. I say lots of random shit and I rarely think before I speak. Relaxation is something I thrive on, as listening to jazz while I lie on the couch removes any stress polluting my mind.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Theories on Life

Our Theories on Life

Hey there... it's Vick, and I haven't written a post up in quite a while. Anywayz...
In school (French), I realised that we frequently discuss our views on life. Ian thinks he is God. David thought he was God. Michael thinks he is better than everyone. Austin... not sure, Rohit has no life and I used to think that nobody but me existed (I'll explain later).

Vick... ME!!!
As I said, when I was in fifth grade, I used to think that nobody actually existed, and that everybody was a figment of my imagination. Everything was programmed by some almighty being (Ganesh) and that I was the only one who could voice my opinions.

I have long since gotten over this strange theory and now, I think that this is all a dream. When I die, I am actually waking up from this dream and am in another. Using this theory, I have managed to explain to myself how Deja Vu works. You see... sometimes, in this life, when we wake up, we usually forget the dreams we have at night. However, a small part of it lingers on in our mind. (E.G. I forgot my dream last night but the small bits I remembered could be pieced together to say.... I am going off topic).

As I was saying... those small bits that we remember are actually from the past dream or life in this instance, and those small bits that we remember makes us feel like we have actually done that before...

And you know what else I remember from my past life?
... The comment question of the day which is: What are your theories of life?

(I know this has been a confusing blog... it makes no sense and I have only done this to relieve boredom. Please do not bag me in the comments...)

Kami Nomi zo Shiro Sekai (The World God Only Knows) Review

This is a review I did for this website (Yes, this is the one I go to for anime info) and thought I'd post it here since people on the website don't know me.

Katsuragi Keima, a high school boy known to everyone as 'otamegane' (Otaku which means a die-hard anime fan, in his case a die-hard gal-ge fan, and Megane which means glasses) lives in the 2D world of gal-ge. One day, he suddenly receives an email on his PFP (parody of PSP) stating that he must choose whether or not to accept a challenge. Thinking that this was just another gamer giving him a gal-ge to play, he instantly accepts the challenge. To his surprise, a demon appeared before him and told him to make girls from the real world fall in love with him. (Sorry, couldn't resist writing a synopsis)

Story (8/10)

The story was very unique and interesting. Unlike regular romances, the protagonist started having no interest in girls from the 3D world. Along his line of flags, he occasionally blushes upon more intense events showing that he has taken a slight interest to a few of the girls. However, in the later chapters, he seems to take less interest in the girls, which I find less entertaining. Also, for a harem, this one probably makes the most sense. By that, I don't mean bumping into demons would be normal. The protagonist of this Manga actually goes through many different events with every girl he has captured, unlike a lot of other Mangas in which the protagonist just sits there and have girls surrounding him for no apparent reason.

Art (9/10)

The art in this Manga is very well done. While it often alternates between simple and detailed art structures, it was used at appropriate times. For the more comedic and humorous scenes, the more simple form of art was used, and for the romantic or serious scenes, the detailed form of art was used. The art used in some cases can amplify the mood the author/artist is trying to express.

Characters (8/10)

The characters in this Manga were all very different. Some were very unique while others were a bit cliched. Characters such as Sumire (ramen girl) don't appear much in Anime or Manga; she eats so much ramen, yet she's conscious about her weight. Other characters such as Mio (daughter of company president) was a typical Ojou-sama/tsundere character, however it is later revealed that she was completely different from what others perceived of her. The simplest character in my opinion would be Elsea. Demon, lived for 300 years but looks like a high-school student, quite clueless, yet there's just something about her that makes you love her. The only character that I disliked in the Manga was Chihiro because she annoyed me with her attitude of liking too many guys, but later on I found her to be an interesting character. All the characters in this Manga were all very different and amusing to read about.

Enjoyment (10/10)

Because this is fully based on my opinion, I thoroughly enjoyed this Manga. Every chapter kept me intrigued and wanting more. The main idea of the Manga was a bit loose in later chapters but Mangas that don't gradually change overtime would eventually get boring and the readers wouldn't enjoy them as much.

Overall (9/10)

Overall, I would say that this is one of the most unique and interesting Mangas out there and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys reading romances/harems.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Trains, Hogwarts, Happy Cups and Genuine Cowhide

It's been a while since we sat that fateful entrance exam. And luckily, our fates turned out to be awesome: we were all going to Melbourne High!!!!!!

"IT'S A CASTLE!!!!!!! A CASTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~"

As Dumbledore said at Hogwarts' welcoming day, we would be experiencing many new things we would eventually have to get used to, such as taking the Hogwarts express to get to school. (Translation: As Mr Luderwick said at Melbourne High's welcoming day, we would be experiencing many new things that we would eventually have to get used to, such as taking the Metro trains to get to school.) 


Well, they're both castles. I think they are distant relatives. Or maybe even cousins?

Since I know that I'm a complete idiot, I decided that I really needed to be familiar with the trains, and where exactly to get on and off. What better way to familiarise myself with the train stops than to actually get on and off them?

So I called Lambert, who's in year 9 at Melbourne High, and I asked him to show me the route. The rest of my day was spent on jumping on and off trains with him. We both knew that we would need a lotta energy, so before getting on the train at Glen Waverley Station, we stopped at Happy Cup and each bought a lychee flavoured  bubble tea (cos we're so asian and all. and sexc). Lambert said that he went to the place nearly everyday after school, and so far his average of pearls in a cup was 54. I forgot to count mine. After finishing his current cup, his average dropped to 53. Tragic.

EXACT same logo and all to the ones we bought, except for the "Sydney" part. (If you can see it)

I bought a daily ticket for the day (no shit) at the station, and tucked it in behind my student ID card inside my new wallet. And guess what? It's made of genuine cowhide mo-fo's. (It even smelt like cowhide) The wallet was so epic, that it kept me entertained for the entire 45 minute train ride, while Lambert was watching anime on his PDA. THAT'S RIGHT. HIS PDA!!!!!!!! We remember that piece of crap all too clearly don't we?


I had some awkward moments on the train. The guy sitting beside me smelt bad (No, not Lambert). Just joking. However, after a while I did feel a bit nauseous from the constant rocking of the carriage. I also fell over when the train stopped and made a fool of myself...

Me being me, I also misplaced my ticket, and couldn't find it in my wallet, so we couldn't really take a bus back home from Glen Waverley Station. However, i didn't tell Lambert that, and we ended up taking a bus. I didn't scan my ticket (cos I didn't have it), so I had to try act really casual in front of everyone; especially the bus driver. Luckily, no one noticed. We ended up finding out we actually took the wrong bus, and the driver had to stop for us. We're such arses.

There were no buses left, so we ended up walking back home. But before that, we went to the same place to get another Happy Cup. The guy working there was the same guy as before, so he either thought we were awesome customers, or retards. From the look on his face, I think he was thinking "retards".

So that's basically it. Oh, and when I got home, my father found my daily ticket. It was in my wallet. I sometimes wonder how people find things without trying, while you are extremely desperate, while still ending up with nothing.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Animations with a low budget

So today I thought I'd do something different. I'm going to list a bunch of flaws in animations. If an animations has over a third of these, they were made on a low budget.
  1. The characters are made of shapes.
  2. The backgrounds are made of shapes.
  3. Everything looks too simple.
  4. Mouth movements are not synchronised.
  5. There are no variations in mouth movements.
  6. Episodes are not consistent.
  7. No comedy. no story.
  8. They use the same voice actors/actresses for the supporting characters.
  9. They use the same voice actors/actresses for the main characters.
  10. They use one voice for everything.
  11. They don't incorporate words at all.
  12. Lack of characters.
  13. Dubs. Every dubbed animation sucks. Period.
  14. Theme songs/OP & ED stolen from somewhere.
  15. Inadequate CG.
Eh, respectable
I don't even...

That's about all I can think of for now. If this gets popular I might do another one.

Another Chinese School Related Post

That's right. Chinese school.

You know, I used to think that Chinese school was stupid, but now... it's just frigging gay. I apologise for using the word "gay", since Chinese School isn't happy or homosexual. Instead it's happily being homosexual to its students.

Last week, they got me to write an essay (see post "eating Chinese people") and so this week they decided to run an essay competition in which I had to COMPLETELY MEMORISE the essay I wrote last week, and write it on a sheet of paper in 45 minutes. Crazy right? Yes, this all happened to me today. What's more is that there was also the weekly homework to be handed in, as well as ANOTHER essay that was due today. (the 3rd part of a project)

Me feel fucked

But they still didn't think it was enough. They made the end of semester test next week. The practice test, that was given to us today as well, was normally nearly the same as the actual test, but for the first time in ten years, they decided to make it very different to the real test.

So wish me luck next week. Cos I'm gonna need it.

(Another depressing/ranting post. I am terribly sorry, but that's just how my life is. )



Mr Bond teaches you how to be cool

Everyone was begging for some more sexalicious words of wisdom, so Mr Bond is back, this time to teach you nerds how to be cool. So close all other tabs and read up...

1) Be aware of how you look, but don't try to please everyone
Sometimes you just have to think of things from another person's perspective, but don't let someone's silly off-hand remark make you go emo, because you can't make everyone like you, unless you're me of course. Make sure you don't smell, try to have a good posture, smile and think before you speak, while still keeping your self-esteem up, as there are millions of ways people can get under your skin, and learn to just say the word "whatever".
I don't let the (non-existent) mean comments get to me
2) B+ (be positive)
Use eye contact in conversations, walk with good posture and just have a sense of confidence overall.
If you don't have the confidence, you don't get the ladies
3) Find real friends
A real friend doesn't hang with you because you wear designer clothes or have the latest video game, a real friend sees you for who you are, and isn't cold and mean. I knew a man named Lance Falcop, and I thought I trusted him. Turns out he just wanted to steal my girlfriend so I framed him for political theft. The last I heard of him, he was brutally executed by the Iranian military.
Pic unrelated
4) Speak up
Don't chat too fast, don't mumble and don't spontaneously pause. Just speak clearly at a normal pace, keeping eye contact in conversations. Jeez... don't you pay any attention to my movies?
Pic also unrelated. But you have to admit it's a sexy goat.
5) Just keep your cool
Being cool means being relaxed and comfortable regardless of what gets in your way. Just take a deep breath and try to find the humour in situations. Relax...
Take a chill pill
So, do you feel cooler already? The world needs more cool people, and less pessimistic sons of /bitches. Hopefully Certainly my sexalicious words have made you more likable and cool. You can thank me later...
Hopefully you aren't like this anymore

Friday, November 19, 2010

How The Dark Knight should have ended

I know my drawing is shitty, but it's so much fun!
Click to enlarge
Thanks for reading!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Random, badly scanned comic strip

This is really fun, and using my mum's scanner, is easy. Shame my drawing's shit and the scanner acts weird.
Thanks for reading/viewing!
Click to enlarge

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Rides VS Horror Movies

When I was a kid nothing scared the shit out of me when it came to Luna Park. Roller Coaster were a joy ride, I complained at those who screamed when it was obviously boring. The one thing that scared the crap out of me was the frigging ghost train. The dark enclosed area and the fog creeping in really was something that freaked me out.

SO as you can see I'm not a Horror Movie fan. Yet i know plenty about like in the old Nightmare on Elm street Freddie was going to be a pedo but they changed him to a child murderer because of many cases of pedophiles at the time. Now in the movie remake he is a pedo.

This is the old Freddy but you cant deny thats a pedo stare

This is all because of my good friend Theo (only David has met him). To him Horror Movies is what he was born for. He isn't afraid of them and in fact finds them funny. To him The grudge is as funny Meet the Zohan (and thats a really funny movie).

His always having a go at me calling me a pussy for not even watching one horror movie. Yet he wont even touch a one ride when we made it to the Melbourne show. His reason to why he can still call me a pussy is because rides are like a punch to the arm while a horror movie is like making you flinch and logically you should be scared of real punches than a flinch.

What I'm saying is that horror movies affect you during when your watching and after when you watch it while roller coaster will only affect you during it and not after it.

So what are you? A person who loves their roller coasters or loves to laugh at the face of death.

You picked oddjob... You asshole

2D vs 3D

I'll be discussing... uh... 2D vs 3D... good points... bad points... eh, I'm too lazy to finish the introductory paragraph, onto the main body paragraphs.

First of all, there are many differences between the 2D world that I live in, and the 3D world that you live in. In the 3D world, all the idols, pop stars, and significant others are all tainted with the thought of fame and riches. I don't think that I've seen one pop singer that actually cares about the music. Look at Justin Bieber, as long as he has his endless army of whores female fans, he'll be happy. In the 2D world, not only are the idol-type characters pure, but almost every single character in the 2D world is pure. Even the evil villains have reasons for their actions. In the 3D world, almost all superstars succumb to doing drugs or something similar. Humans are ugly creatures in the 3D world. I despise many of them.

Secondly, in the 2D world, there are distinct personalities, (because everyone who reads this blog does not watch Anime, I'll westernize the terms) such as the 'cold' types, the 'energetic' types, the 'cool' types and the 'quiet' types (there are a lot more but I'll just leave it there). In the 3D world, there are also different personalities, like 'Tryhard Asian', 'Nerd Asian', 'Douche White'... Oh wow, it seems like the 3D world's classification system of people are all negative. No surprise there.

Finally and most importantly, there is the matter of girls. In the 2D world, practically every girl is perfect in certain aspects. They can be cute, sporty, shy, helpful... I hope this world of Anime, Manga and Gal-ge goes on forever. Now then, in the 3D world, there are MANY problems with the girls. Some might be cute, but they are mostly extremely cold-hearted. Some might be helpful but you know that they'll never get a boyfriend just by looking at them. Finally, the worst type; Sluts. Most of these are blondes. I try very hard not to throw up when I look at them. I really don't know what douchebag whites see in them. Why would they want to put their genitals into a creature so dirty and disgusting? A lot of you may say: 'You know falling in love with a 2D person is useless?', so what if I like 2D girls better than 3D girls? I'm falling in love with pixels while you're falling in love with flesh and bones. In the end, we aren't all that different.

This is better than that yellow-haired thing you stare at in class.
So I will end this entry because I think you get my point, if you want to argue with me, I'll make a second one pointing out all your flaws. Remember that. 37 is a prime number, but 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888 and 999 are not. Maths is beautiful, which means girls created from maths must be beautiful as well.

*I was just bored.

Monday, November 15, 2010

40 blogs :)

Well guess what? Our blog of life has reached 40 blogs!!!!!!!!!!! (You knew this from the title...)

Drive safetly... or else


(note: I had to be careful with the "yieuoay", to make sure there was about an even amount of each letter and symbol. I had to edit it three times :P)

Hah, it's funny how it only took us a month and a half to do 40 blogs. We're superior sons-of-bitches. (I spelled superior wrong two times, and eventually had to rely on spell check to fix the error. While typing this, I also wrote "spelt" which turned out to be a non-existent word, and I found out it was actually "spelled")

I would like to thank all of youz for contributing and writing good posts. All of them were really fun to read ^.^

Our 40th blog was a epic 10-word-post by Rohit that I didn't even understand!!! LOL
Still, it was the 40th and is therefore "epicked" (made more epic) up 50 percent.

I look forward to the day we reach 200... or even 1000.
Keep blogging and love life

(even though life is a heartless bitch)


Mackillop Miracles # 84

I shall start doing these posts as I recieve them in The Age. Some of them are god-damned funny.

Mackillop Miracle # 84:

Parity of the Dollar (2010)

The Cold War that may destroy us

We are so ultimately screwed as the country Australia. The reason why the 2 superpowers behind Australia's sucess may go to war is because of America's interest in Asia. That's right, China and America might start killing each other.

The seas America needs as 'international' for their hold to continue are the Yellow Sea, The East China Sea and the South China Sea. But these seas America cannot use, as China is claiming them as its own, having disputes with Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Taiwan, the Phillippines, South Korea and America, to name a few.

But China disagrees with these policies and with addition to that, they have a greater naval force than anyone in the Asia/Pacific region, abling them to control that region.

But, you may ask, what is Australia's part in all this? The answer is simple. China floats our econoomy with their thirst for coal, and America assures our safety, as no-one dares play with the forerunner in nuclear weapons. So basically we're stuck in between 2 super powers who will not hesitate to kill.

The US have 3 options:
1. The US nwithdraw with China
2. The US compete with China, leaving war an open option
3. Share regional power with China and its neigbouring countries which is the best, but hardest to achive.

With this upcoming chance of war, there are 3 options:
1. Side with the US to maintain our safety
2. Side with China to float our economy
3. Ultimately side with no-one and let the country die

With any of these options, our country is screwed, and good.

I shall move to Europe as soon as this war starts and hope the Pound and Euro stay afloat, or no where is safe.

WE ARE ALL DOOMED!!!! - Eventually-

A quick, boring post

Yes, it's me again. I wanted to make this post because I didn't want to be like Vick who never really does anything for the blog. Jkjk, but seriously. So it is currently 12:44am and I have school tomorrow. I think I might just blog about my day. Oh, and click here to take the idiot's test.

For some reason, even though I have so much spare time I just waste it, and if I have nothing to waste the spare time on, I just procrastinate and think about flowers and sunshine and everything else that made the world go wrong. In the morning, I woke up at 10:15 (that's actually like over 2 hours earlier than my normal wake-up time on weekends) and started messing around on my computer. I have a feeling that I'm going to go blind from too much computer if I keep living this hikikomori lifestyle. Back to whatever I was saying before, a few minutes after I logged on MSN, a wild Ian appeared :o (get ur pkballz redy :DDD) and then we had a chat. I recall it was about Asian lifestyles.

After that, I had lunch (SUSHI FTW) and I choked on the rice. Yes. I choked on rice. Are you happy now? Anyway, after I finished lunch, I went back on the computer to check the Melbourne High booklist (because my father wouldn't let me do whatever I was doing if I didn't). It looked like there was a lot so I just said that I'd deal with the booklist somehow... Then back to OTAKUMOETSUNDEREPANTSUNEKOMIMIMEIDO business. It's serious sh*t.

In the evening, instead of using the computer, I started using the computer for a change. No, actually I played some table tennis wile listening to music. It was weird, because I have a lot of different music so I changed my style of play every time a new song started. It was interesting. After that, I hopped back onto my computer for more time wasting. I then started to think about what Vick said about the school having more anime fans. Yes Vick, I take this sh*t seriously (although it's not like you're ever going to read this). It was a long, arduous mindfuck but I came to the conclusion that because only Asians can truly appreciate the 2D world, and that the Asians in our school only liked K-pop and c-walking, I was the only one who had ANY mere knowledge about anime, and if you can prove me wrong, please do so (I need a friend D:).

And now here I am writing this blog post. I check the time now and it's 1:22am. I should really go to bed so I'm just going to finish this up here.

Note: All racial/offensive comments I made were entirely meaningless.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Eating Chinese People

I am really, really busy. I just don't have the time to blog. Even as I'm blogging right now, I am doing my tuition homework.

...And I thought as soon as exams were over, life would be more relaxing. Peh.

Well since I dont have the time to write an actual blog, I thought i might just post another one of my Chinese School essays. This one is about "Chinese Eating Customs". Lame right?




此外,开胃菜 通常是四种冷盘组成的大拼盘。有时种类可多达十种。最具代表性的是凉拌海蛰皮、皮蛋等。有时冷盘之后,接着出四种热盘。常见的是炒虾、炒鸡肉等。不过,热盘多半被省略。主菜 紧接在开胃菜之后,又称为大件、大菜。如菜单上注明有“八大件”,表示共有八道主菜。主菜的道数通常是四、六、八等的偶数,因为,中国人认为偶数是吉数。在豪华的餐宴上,主菜有时多达十六或三十二道,但普通是六道至十二道。这些菜肴是使用不同的材料、配合酸、甜、苦、辣、咸五味,以炸、蒸、煮、煎、烤、炒等各种烹调法搭配而成。其出菜顺序多以口味清淡和浓腻交互搭配,或干烧、汤类交配列为原则。最后通常以汤作为结束。点心 指主菜结束后所供应的甜点,如馅饼、蛋糕、包子、杏仁豆腐等。最后则是水果。



Friday, November 12, 2010

My terrible terrible afternoon

The PAIN, the HORROR!! My day from 4th period was a mess!! During the 4th period, I had an idiotic subject called "Let's talk"(its an English subject, and I highly recommend that those who go to HSC to not take that subject!). During that class, I threw a highlighter at a year 10 student (its a mixed class of 8's - 10's) called Henry because I was annoyed at him. He then started drawing all over people with it and I got highlighted by 2 people. Not ONE, but TWO people. I got pissed of.

Then at lunch time, I got really damn pissed as I kept on going out in table tennis :(, so I continuously chucked the plastic table tennis bat at the crappy wooden net.

During period 5, in "Computer Programming"(alright subject) my access spread sheet got locked and I had to start again.

Period 6 was alright, but as class was finishing, Becky (yes Becky, I'm talking directly to you) had to ruin a perfect ending to the day by showing her so-called "love" to every-one by hitting them with a few rolled up sheets of paper. It really pissed me of as I attemped to outfun her as she was stationed just outside the library door (I did see you Becky), thinking she was out of my sight. I did a runner, but she just tipped my pointer (why can't I be god damned shorter! I hate you god sometimes). This seemed to me a violation of my privacy. I just hope that she ain't gonna do that again.

And so I thought my day couldn't get any worse, but it got worse. After school, we (me and friends --> Micheal, David, Ian, Vick and Austin) went to the gym, and I got constantly annoyed with Micheal, and to top it off, some idiot kicked a soccer ball, skimming right over the top of my head (I still have my hair) and then some other person kicking the ball at my legs.

That was my terrible afternoon (well day as Period 4 was befor noon).


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mr Bond tells you how to get the ladies

Hi. I'm not the coolest guy in the world... just kidding, I am. Because I am so infinitely cool, I take sympathy on the inferior anti-socials, such as you. It has come to my attention that some of you only have your right hand for company, but WAIT NO MORE!! The suave, sexy Mr Bond is here to help. To stop (you) beating around the bush, I will start my sexalicious words of wisdom.

Don't be nice. Girls like bad boys. The next time your teacher yells the roll, answer with a calm, "I'm here, you fat-ass bitch". You will get more attention than that ADD kid that eats glue.

Take a shower every day. Brush your hair. Floss your teeth. Use deodorant. Shave, unless you know they think beards are sexy. Use acne cream. They say a smile is all you need, but I say SHUT UP AND FOLLOW MY INSTRUCTIONS!! 
I know what I'm doing, fat ass meatball
God (although not Buddha) hates fat people, and so do the ladies, so get on that treadmill, fatty!! If ever you feel like eating that donut, look in the mirror and keep repeating the same four words 200 times: heart attack at forty. Because the last time I checked, ladies like guys like this:
And not guys like this:

LIFE IS HARD, but with these sensual and voluptuous words, getting a little bit of love is easy. Of course, for some of you, being cool just wont work (*cough* *Michael* *cough*), but that's the nature of life.  Remember, getting tips from a pro is a rare opportunity, so make the most of my words of sexy wisdom.
You say douche: I say entrepreneur
You can thank me later...

One of my theories in gods, life, etc.

The following passage will either make you think I'm retarded, or make you very confused, so either don't read it or prepare yourself.

As most of you should know my now, I'm a very peculiar person. I have many different personalities but only show one with every person.

To my school social group: You probably think of me as a yieuoaying retard.
To Ian: We're very much alike, except I'm fatter.
To Allan: You probably see me as your half modest half douche-bag friend.

Now then, onto my theory on life. Please note that after this, ALL of you will see me as a retard.

I believe that there are gods in this world. They live within selected individuals and do not reveal themselves. These selected few do not know of the god residing within them. However, while these gods cannot actively and freely move, they can cause events to happen that go against scientific evidence (e.g. causing a tree to wither away in Spring). They cannot fully control what happens in the world because they are weakened. They need to their human hosts to feel a certain emotion for their true potential to awaken. Some may need frustration, some may need love. They keep the world balanced, and once the human host dies, the god transfers to a newborn baby. Perhaps the term 'god' is too much, but I believe that there are beings that control how the world develops.

I have had a lot of stupid theories in the past. This is the one I'm sticking with now because it makes a little more sense than my previous theories.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hello all!

Hi my name my name is Allan and I am happy to be part of this new Blog...

Well thats how everyone else does their introduction but since I'm a person who likes to think outside the box...

Secretary: Umm, Allan most people don't have that type of intro's

Me: What no way, I've seen plenty of people who have done those intro's like that mustache, he had a hat and the army, you know the one who i worship everyday?

Secretary: Hitler?!?!?!?!?!?

Me: Ahh, yes love that guy, But seriously whats next me writing an unfunny post ha!

It's funny because it's
my future baby

Secretary: Umm, well this was called unfunny by a person (The person wants to remain anonymous -cough- My Bro -cough-)

Me: I need a moment... Why, why, why, why?????????????

So thats a little bit about my personality... Funny very rarely VERY. I also have now taken over David's blog (http://uninformativeinformation.blogspot.com/) so visit when you're bored but this blog is much better.

I need something to finish of with so...

U picked Oddjob... u asshole

P.S.: I do not love Hitler and i know my catchphrase isn't a good one.

Monday, November 8, 2010


-As long as we are persistent in our pursuit of our deepest destiny, we will continue to grow. We cannot choose the day or time when we will fully bloom. It happens in its own time.

-Continuous, unflagging effort, persistence and determination will win. Let not the man be discouraged who has these.

-Philosophy make head hurt. 

Persistence is actually pretty important, although it's very hard for me to admit this. I am at times a really sad quitter. However, when i want to achieve something pretty badly, I keep trying 'till I succeed.
A long time ago, I used to believe people who thought persistence lets you achieve crazy things, were crazy retards themselves. But now.............I am a bloody hypocrite just like them. Just joking.

Persistence works a lot of the time. My first memory of it working for me was when I was in grade 1. This kid in my class could whistle and I thought he was the biggest baddass ever, and I wanted to be just like him. So I practised, and practised and practised again. After about a week I finally mastered it. If I knew about "yieuoay' back then, I would most certainly have "yieuoayed". 

The next time it worked for me was when I was trying to learn how to click(with my fingers). It took me two minutes, but hey, that's about as much as an ordinary person's persistence lasts these days.

In year four, I wanted to be able to click with my tongue. Not that tiny little click that everyone can do, that really frigging loud one that people like Yin-Han Kong can do. This trick actually took a while for me to be able to accomplish... maybe a month or so? I kept trying, but kept ending up with pathetic little clicks... however I finally did it (accidentally) while I was drinking soup. Soup is awesome.

That's right bitches. Chinese food.

Oh and in Year 7 I learned how to pen spin!!! It was by far one of the most exciting experiences in my life (cos I'm Asian and all I do is study 24/7). First I learned how to do the "charge": the basic spin where the pen continuously twirls between two fingers, and next I masteredddd the thumb spin. I was really proud of myself.

Very recently I have been practising the moon-walk. (Please don't bag me or think I'm a try-hard... it's a really cool move, you've gotta admit that.) I am also quite a fan of Michael Jackson, and it was him that inspired me to try it. I think I've nearly got it!!!

He is not gay you arsehole...

Finally, and most recently, I had to hand in an essay on Animal Farm by Wednesday (this week), and I hadn't even started it. So tonight I basically decided to switch my PC on, skip karate, and work my butt off for the rest of the night. I have nearly finished and I believe it's a solid essay.

So that's persistence for you. It is great. In fact, it's better than YOU! (damn you to hell Michael...lol jokes)


My Afternoon

Today is the ah.. 8th of nov. and as I came home, my sister greeted me with talking about her "Club Penguin". As I'm about to go to my room, my mum starts talking about how I cannot write posts without her looking over my shoulder every 2 minutes, and there she goes again...

Well now I cannot publish posts after 5.30, and right now I've got another 10-15 minutes until I HAVE to get off the computer, so I better finish this post about my horrible afternoon. And so, my mum said that I cannot publish posts without her watchful eye, or I get grounded. With this, she says that I might reveal personal info on here. Have I yet?

Well gotta go or she'll go spastic, and my sister (idiot) says hi.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

The meaning of life... through song!

Hey guys! It's me, Ryou, again (for the third post in a row, ffs someone else post something...) and today I am here to present to you... exactly what the title states. As I am an otaku, you would probably think that this is just another anime song. Well, you're absolutely right, but this song is the best thing to happen to the world since Beethoven. A few notes before you watch, however; this song is completely in English. It is sung as a Japanese person (who has terrible English pronunciation) but that does not affect the beautiful melodies in this song. Also, this song goes for eight minutes. Please watch through the whole thing.
[Why doesn't this stuff ever get famous? Someone needs to pull out Justin Bieber's eyes, crush them, throw them in a blender and make him eat the remains of his vision, while slitting his armpits open to fill them with piranhas and rapidly burning and freezing his lower half of his body with acid and liquid nitrogen... I think I'm getting off topic here so just click play on the embedded video below.]

*Note: Yes, I changed the layout again, but that other blue one was too blurry. Ian will probably change it back anyways, but keep the banner plz.

New Layout

Hey guys, a quick post about the current layout of the blog. If you don't like it, you can request to have to reverted. And yes Ian, this is revenge for killing my banner :D

Of course, if I just leave it as that, there might be complaints about the length of this entry, so here's a video:

Masterpiece. :,)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Comparison of lives

Before starting my blog, I'd like to say that as of now, I am officially better than the three other authors (excluding Ian) because I am now an ADMIN of this blog. Now then, back to blogging.

Asians and whites. The battle of these two races has been going on for centuries now. As of 1890, the whites were the rulers of Earth, enslaving every other race in the country to a life of arduous labor. However, in 1996, a single deity of the Asian race was born and saved all of the races troubled by the white's biased ways of running the country. Yes, that deity, his name was...

Okay, now I'm REALLY getting off topic. Really, I'm just here to discuss the living conditions of Whites and Asians. First I'd like to say that Whites have life MUCH better off. To succeed in life, two skills are needed; intelligence and social skills. With intelligence comes the ability to find jobs easier due to academic performance. With social skills come connections to those working for big companies (and therefore can get jobs easier). Asians usually don't have as much social skills as the whites, however are born with a brain more capabilities of receiving knowledge. Whites, however, have much more social connections. If one white succeeds in life,  more are likely to follow along.

As an Asian, I can proudly say that I have absolutely no social skills and no intelligence, however, because I'm good at maths, I can succeed in some aspects of life. Also, you don't see many whites playing classical instruments like pianos or violins. However, in the contrary, we Asians don't usually play instruments used for pop/rock music. Seriously, what kind of Asian play such absurd instruments like guitars or drums (I'm kidding, guitars FTW!)? I can't say that all whites are idiots though, but there is a term used for stupid white kids in Australia. This term is 'bogan', remember that.

And so this concludes my extremely racist remarks, er, I mean blog entry. Hope you learned a thing or two about your race (unless you're black).

*No, I don't really mean what I write, I just have a tendency to be racist.

Saturday is the Best

Saturday has always been my favourite day. Without really realising why, I have always enjoyed Saturdays much more than any of the other days of the week. When I thought about this, I also began to wonder why was it that Saturdays were so enjoyable.Here are my thoughts summed up:

i'm hungry...

Well first of all, I think it is safe to conclude that Friday, Saturday and Sunday are generally the best days of the week. They are the only days when you are not forced to go to that sh*t-hole we call "school"(Unless you're asian and you have to go to Chinese school, which is maybe even worse). Also, to many people who's parents are strict or simply just asian, those three days are probably the only days when they can enjoy the "free-ness" of free time. The rest of the week is spent studying our asses off.

But why is Saturday better than Friday and Sunday?

 Fridays are divided into school and ploi toime (sorry I couldn't resist). For half the day, we still need to go to school, and it is only until school ends, that we can go home and do whatever we desire. Keep in mind that you still need to get up early on Fridays. Also, for some people, even on Fridays their parents do not allow them to play video games etcccc... So although Fridays are quite relaxing, most of the day is still spent on school.

What?? School already?

Saturdays. There are great. On Saturdays, you can sleep in as long as you like (unless you have Chinese School like me). For those who have to attend language school on Saturday, at least it only lasts for about 3 hours, compared to the unbearable seven hours of day school. Once that is over, you can go home, throw your bag on the floor and forget about your homework until the last minute... like me. Then you can basically do whatever you want. Oh, and for those of you that do not go to Chinese School, for you, Saturdays are even better. However, the main reason why Saturdays are awesome for me is because I can stay up very late, and then wake up to a happy Sunday ^.^
 Sundays are kewl as well. Again, you can get up as late as you like, unless you go to Chinese School on a Sunday (Michael). Sundays are basically the same as Saturdays, with one big difference. You must go to bed early and wake up to a   F***ING     MONDAY!!!
