Friday, November 26, 2010

Why Its Called Povale


So, its the last day of school (December program does not count). Its been a great school year, and before I start this blog, I would like to thank all my great friends for this wonderful 8th grade. So, I just spilled my heart out in a sentence. No... I have always hated you guys. I should never have joined your group. You made me into a shell of a man with your friggin Yieuoay business. (Jksjksjks)


Alright then, why is Highvale Secondary College so crudely christened Povale? Stay tuned to find out.

As everyone knows, its been a massive washout. Flash flooding in roads, schools, garages. Water seeping into houses blah blah blah. At Povale, things managed to take a turn for the worst.

At the start of the heavy rain, we thought it would be fun to dance in the rain and mess up our hair to look bad-ass (see picture below).

You can't deny Michael's badassery

Soon, the rain seemed to only become heavier and it was now impossible to stand out in the rain. Bags got wet and the roof started to leak... Michael, David and Rohit ditched us, leaving behind Tim, Ian and me. Mike, Dave and Rohit... you guys missed out on all the fun.

Those who remained behind decided to go into the gym for some shelter. We were wrong to have done so. Water was seeping in through the gym doors, the roof was leaking and Ian had an unfair advantage in table-tennis with his rubber bat.

I recieved a call from my Dad a few minutes later, requesting me to pick my brother up. The following video is of terrible quality since it was taken by my phone. Feast your mortal eyes on Highvale's new swimming pool!!!

I've got all the other images on my phone, maybe I could show to you guys on MSN sometime...

Yes ok... back to topic...

WE went over to pick my little (see how I condescned on him by saying "little") brother up and it turned out that the Primary school wasn't spared from the flooding either. The oval was mushy, the water reached up to our ankles and their Sandbox was filled to the brim with murky rain water.

Awww... your the little pathetic sandcastle you built with your hands at lunch time is gone? WELL live with it!!!!

Yes... on our way back, we happened to cross the School's tennis courts. It was completely flooded. Curious little Timothy Lim decided to throw a rock to see how deep the water was. Guess what? All we heard was a plop, saw a splash and the stone sunk into the water, never to be seen again.

I'd like to see you MidWeek Ladies play on the courts now!!! STUFF YOU!!!!
So... that concludes our adventure for today. It's been a long post, but that will make up for the entire month I spent in solitude, WORKING ON MY FRIGGIN ASSIGNMENTS!!!!!
um... I'll see you guys at the Melbourne High Orientation Day then....


  1. Hahaha, I thought I was going to die out there, and I did. But I lived on :o

    Also, this much rain makes me extremely orgasmic. Like, with THAT much rain, I can do anything within human possiblilties. I rhaped someone one the way home because of that.

  2. Holy shitake mushrooms that's a lot of water. At least we don't need to worry about drought as much now (8 HOUR SHOWERS!! YAY!!!)



  4. Now we have to worry about flooding!!! I thought we had enough of natural disasters for a century!!!!! :(
