Monday, November 1, 2010

A day off

So I'm currently at my house writing this blog entry because Ian had written one at school. It was very relaxing to stay at home all day on Monday. I had slept until 12 (again...) and had no other choice but to skip breakfast. I had just downloaded a load of Anime (due to internet being reset) and am currently in the middle of it (took some time out for this blog entry). It seems like quite a few people had to attend school (Asian parents much?) and if any of you happen to come across this blog entry, I either pity you for having strict parents, or ridicule you for your stupidity.

It was great to spend my whole day cooped up in my room. I was pondering over what I could write on my own blog, but I can't seem to think of anything. It seems like I'm starting to bore you so I'll just end it here.


  1. its period 6, and i'm in S9... we're on the computers and have free time :P

    I envy you david

  2. i had to do a prac in physics...

    i envy you ian
