Sunday, October 31, 2010

My life story

By Austin?

My life started in 1996: known in my homeland as the Year of the Chosen Golden Dragon Warrior Ninja Rat. My village of Duong Pau Lau Sau was located high in the Himalayas, north of Kathmandu. We had been at war with Mongolian invaders for many years, and their savagery was threatening our simple way of life. I was the son of the head warrior of our village. My birth name was not Austin, it was... Huong Bau Fau Tau. My dad's name was... Tuong Vau Qua Cau, and my mother's name was... Wuong Yau Nau Rau. As much blood was shed from battle with the Mongol's, I helped my mother maintain peace in the village, although there was so much unrest.
The other children called me a snob because of how unbelievably luxurious my house was
On the day of the Golden Dumpling Soup, my father took me to the sacred place of worship and confessed to me that in the upcoming battle on the Shadow-realms of Darkness, he would likely die. I told him to not give up, but he silenced me and made me swear an oath to defend the village. I held back my tears and promised. This was the last time I ever talked to my father.

On the day of the Purple Curry Stir-Fry, the Mongol's gathered on one side of the Shadow-realms of Darkness, and my father and the other Tibetans on the other. I watched from afar, from the top of the Mountain of Fortune Cookie. Their army was too... overwhelming. As the Mongol's charged, I couldn't hold my feeling of dread, and when they killed all our warriors quickly, including my dear father, I knew that our village was fucked.
Not even Mulan could save us from the Mongolians
So I ditched my village and climbed onto the wing of the first flight out of Tibet. I had to hold tight for over fourteen hours, so I was lucky to be wearing gloves. When I arrived in Melbourne, I saw people riding on Kangaroo's everywhere, and I knew that this was the holy place my mother told me about as a child: Mateland.

Using the ancient Tibetan method of identity theft, I found a random Australian kid called Austin Charles Bond, knocked him unconscious, stole his identity and sent him in a parcel to somewhere in North-Western Africa. I taught myself English (and Finnish, as an added bonus) and returned to this mysterious child's family.

So yes, the truth is my name is not really Austin Bond. I took my father's name as my middle name after his death, and therefore my true name is Huong Tuong Vau Qua Cau Bau Fau Tau. If you thought I was an Asian on the inside, you... are right.

Views on life

I'm sure all of us has different views on life, even small differences in our views, and I'm going to blog about my view on life. Life is a strange yet wonderful thing. It gives us humans in this world a chance to experience emotions, as well as things like school life, getting a job, finding a family and death. I would be considered a bit of an 'oddball' and I see life quite differently to most people.

I don't see life as a chance to go through different experiences, I see life as a period of time one is able to breath, see, touch, smell, etc. In a point of everyone's lives, they will die. They will experience sadness, anger and frustration. I have gone through a period of my life being depressed, thinking of myself and those around me in negative ways. I couldn't get happy no matter what had happened around me. That made me think whether emotions were actually real or not. Are they really there? Does one really feel something when a certain action has been taken? Emotions may very well be a simple reaction in our bodies that makes our minds think that we feel something.

I would like to think that my life so far has been fair, but I simply cannot see the world and life as something so great. We humans are mortal being, which means that at one point of our lives, we would die. What would our memories and experiences be worth then? Does anyone else besides yourself care about your personal experiences? Everything one has experienced in life would be lost in the end. Dying today and dying in a good 70 years would ultimately result in the same thing, death.

So enough about my strange point of view on life, I would like to hear what the rest of you readers have to say about life. I think that it is good for people to be filled with hope for their futures, I just cannot see life that way. If you have some spare time, please leave a comment with a reply to this blog entry.


God, are you there?

The world is full of it's perplexing mysteries, and unanswerable inquisitions. One of its greatest mysteries is the existence of God, and in general all the theories of Christianity. Does God even exist? Is Christianity just a lie?
 Many people of today do not believe in God, and their "mature" minds lead them to other beliefs (if science can be referred to as a belief). They view many things about Christianity as stupid, and not making sense.

They ask questions like:
"If God is against us acting in certain ways, then why does he make us act like so?" Responses given are extremely disappointing. In the Bible, the answer to this particular question is something along the lines of "Do you have the right to question God's intentions? Can a lump of clay stop itself from being made into a beautiful bowl by a potter?"... and so on.  Answers like these, just make skeptics of Christianity even more confident that it is just a huge, but well thought up, lie.
I'm Pretty Epic, Ain't I?

But sometimes, I look at the world, and the way it is, and I wonder if maybe God does actually exist. Evolution states that we evolved from these primitive "apes"... to be the civilized people of today. Even though the theories of evolution are solid, there is no doubt that at times it's just unbelievable.

The way humans think, is in my opinion, just really friggin' advanced. Yes, even though we have those dumb asses in our world, at least they are more intelligent than goldfish... Compare us to any living thing, we always emerge as the species that is much more advanced in nearly every way. Could we really be this developed, without a hidden factor silently playing a gigantic role? (Yes, I'm referring to our Holy God)

But I'm Smart!!!

And yet, there are still many strange things in the world, that just don't seem to fit in with the theories of Christianity. Why are there other planets, galaxies, or even maybe universes??? All this seems to be completely irrelevant to God. Is it possible that he is cheating on the human race, for other species like Martians? Or maybe it is a test of our loyalty, like bloody always, to see if we remain on the world God has provided us with: Earth.

Why is life so mysteriously confusing?????????????????????????????????


Saturday, October 30, 2010

A day in the life of an Otaku

As an Otaku, I pride myself in maintaining the worst physical appearance as well the worst social status a human can possibly maintain. On a Saturday, I wake up at 12:00pm, check my blog ( and start whatever is left of my day. Because my internet is capped, downloading Anime is a pain in the @$$, and so I had nothing to do. I spent half of my afternoon procrastinating and trying to distract my self from reality. After that, I got bored of procrastinating (yes, I'm pathetic) And re-watched some Anime that I had downloaded. I'm now influenced to be the next great kamikazi dragon warrior mage of the spellbinding realms of doom of justice (Nah, I don't actually watch anime like that). Then, I had dinner, and now I'm writing this blog. Oh, woe is me, why do I lead such a depressing life?


It's a really, very rainy day today.

After my weekly Saturday schedule of waking up, getting dressed, having breakfast, going to Chinese school, and coming back from Chinese school, a torrential downpour was starting to begin.

Roughly at 1:30, while I was in the middle of playing Halo: Reach with Mr Michael Que, my connection to Xbox Live abruptly disappeared... I came to the conclusion that it was raining; raining extremely heavily. If you're wondering why I came to such a conclusion, it's because my internet is so crumby, that it disconnects during bad weather. 

I immediately reset my modem (this helps me reconnect), and ignored the rain, relying on Melbourne's crappy weather to bring abrupt sunshine, and kept playing matchmaking till Michael had to go. When Michael went, I decided I had played enough (I was getting ass-raped by other, more decent players), and so I went in my room to lye on my bed.

About 5 minutes afterwards, I heard my sister scream (what was it this time goddamit!), so I rushed to where she was, and saw that she was staring through the door, at our front door-step. And omg, there was so much rain, that a very large puddle had gathered there.

So if you like, come over to my houze and have a go at our new water slide... 

As I write it is still pouring with rain... what happened to Melbourne's "epic" Weather??? 


Desperate plea to visit my other blog

By Austin

On the sister blog,, I just typed up a new short story about video games, this time on Pac-Man. INSERT BLURB:

He thought the pills would help. He thought they would ease the crippling depression caused by the deaths of his 4 daughters in a horrific car accident. The heroin was the only thing keeping him alive, but he didn't know if he wanted to be alive.

Please visit!

Another Halo Game???

I've been confronted by many people i know, who know how obsessed I am with Halo, and they chatted away with me about the games. Nearly all of them told me that "they" should make another Halo game. Their reason being : at the end of Halo 3, Master Chief and Cortana were seen drifting towards a mysterious planet, and it would be cool if another game was to be made about the events that would happen afterwards.

I'm extremely pleased to hear that the world loves Halo and wants more, but unfortunately, I think that Halo: Reach was truly the epic finale of the series.  What I mean is, that it may be the last game in the series that still actually feels like what "Halo" really is, and only Bungie can really do that. Without Bungie, Halo will never be the same... :'(

Bungie has confirmed a 10 year publishing deal with Activision, and this effectively ends any possibility of the studio returning to Halo in the future. However, Bungie did  hand the Halo franchise over to Microsoft's 343 industries, and they are definitely going to make another game, since the studio's sole purpose is to create new properties for the Halo series. 343 Industries released Halo Wars (game), and Halo Legends (anime series), created Halo Waypoint and much more...

Fans of Halo will quickly recognise the significance of the number "343" in the studio name. (It refers to 343 guilty spark)

But still, I believe another Halo game would probably squeeze all the juice out the lemon (WTF?), and all the following games would very likely be... well, dry. However, this is just my own opinion, and I am sure that many of you have your reasons to believe they will succeed in their projects.

I think I'm beginning to sound depressed and making you the same, but look on the bright side; HALO REACH WAS FRIGGIN' AWESOME!
extra long yieuoay for celebration!


Friday, October 29, 2010

Just thinking...

By Austin

Why is the Australian woman's soccer team, the Matildas, largely ignored? They're the only Aussie team actually winning something!

Why is it that politicians have to kiss every baby they see?

Why do Mario games still use lives? I'm not playing in an arcade, I'm playing on my couch!

Why do Aussie kids know sports stars better than famous scientists?

Why does the Christian church condemn homosexuality when priests are touching little boys?

Why is Michael Bay still making movies?

Why do people say LOL in everyday conversation? Are you on a computer?

Why is the word "baby" used so much in song lyrics? It's sexist!

Why did no one watch "Scott Pilgrim vs the World"? The movie was fucking awesome!!

ROFL? So laughing makes you fall onto the ground and tilt your body side-to-side?

What is Yieuoay?

Fellow disciples of yieuoay (I have no sense of humour).... it's obviously not my place to describe what this divine word is but I shall either way. For those who don't understand (don't go to Highvale SC) what "yieuoay" is by the end of this post (my very first)... go to Ian- even 2 years of school with him couldn't enlighten me.

Everyone knows we Australians (I'm Indian) have a unique accent. We tend to use an "oi" intead of "i's" and "o's". (eg. Hoi there Moite). Yieuoay uses this principle.

Before going deep into the meaning of Yieuoay (hopefully covered by Ian and Austin), i feel the need to describe the origin of this... divine word.

June 2009: Ian and Michael (friend) repeatedly spam our ears with YAY just to annoy us.

October-November 2009: A random kid in drama class happens to use his strange accent in a phrase, captivating Ian and Michael.

November 2009: YAY is converted to YIEUOAY... a word using all vowels, full and semi, and beginning and ending with Y.

December 2010: Vick (me) can't use MSN during holidays because I can't hold down a decent conversation with anyone without having the word Yieuoay in it.

February 2010: Having completely forgotten about yieuoay, I am utterly disappointed to go back to school only to be spammed once again with Yieuoay.

June-August 2010: Melbourne High School Selection exams kick Yieuoay into full gear. Everybody, including no believers convert to the cult. (We all got in btw)

September 2010: Michael ditches the Yieuoay cult. (Halo REACH!!!)

October-Present (November): Austin creates his Yieuoay-ish yawn and those idiots who place themselves high up (Ian and David) make me the peasant of Yieuoay... not that I take it seriously.... :'(

So concludes our brief history of Yieuoy through the course of 2 years. Any questions must be reported to the Gods of Yieuoay, the Divine Beings, aka Ian and David.

ps...I'm sorry for my stale sense of humour, i just like talking in big words (it makes me feel superior).

edit by Ian: Rohit would like to state that he is the defender of YIEUOAY, and he would like to destroy any non- believers

Thumbs UP!

Why are people so desperate for the thumbs up? Whether its on YouTube or Facebook, an extreme majority of people type up comments/statuses (that are usually try-hard and lame) just for others to give them a thumbs up or a "like".

Here are a few of examples:

Like my status and I'll rate you out of 10. (The most common case on Facebook)
or something like this:

Thumbs up if you agree! (Very common on YouTube)
or even...

"Likee and I'll post what I love about you (:"      
(this is an actual status copied straight from Facebook, at the same time i was writing this post. I will not mention who wrote this status just because I feel sad for them...or actually because you will not know who this is so it really doesn't matter. )

Now do you see how desperate these thumbs-up-seeking comments sound??

I admit that there have been times where I have done the same thing. But trust me my comments were nowhere as desperate (do i sound very desperate?). 

I guess that it's a sin we all commit at times. We probably do it because it makes us feel good about ourselves or because it gives us the false impression that we're popular. Do not get me wrong, many comments that have thumbs up's are very funny and smart. 

If you post comments that seek likes, then maybe its time for you to stop, for you must realise it does not make you more popular in any way. Keep posting awesome comments, but just try not to make them sound that desperate!!

Thumbs up if you agree with my blog.
(just joking :D)

thanks for reading :)


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bloggin' Bout Blogs

---Like the use of alliteration in my title? Aww you're too kind.

A blog is a type of website or part of a website. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

Most blogs are interactive, allowing visitors to leave comments and even message each other via widgets on the blogs and it is this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites.
- thanks Wikipedia! 

So, about blogs. I like blogs. I love how they are based on a person's opinion and not a corporation's. I particularly like it when they're interesting, crazy, funny and generally when they agree with me.

So what makes a blog, a good blog? Since this is my very first, I would appreciate it if you could give me some constructive tips :) Well anyway, this is what I like to see in blogs.

  • A snappy title
  • Humor
  • Skillful use of language...(see
  • Links? :P
  • Of reasonable length. Not too short, not too long, (unless it's good...see link above) but of a medium length, that is easy to get into and remember.
  • Pictures
  •  Awesomeness.

In general, blogs are interesting things to read, and a fun thing to do when you're incredibly bored.
I guess in a way, your blog is important to you; since you spent time trying to express your opinion to the world...or just the 5 people that follow you.

And finally, after writing an actual blog, i would like to conclude by telling you it is a lot of fun.