Friday, October 29, 2010

Just thinking...

By Austin

Why is the Australian woman's soccer team, the Matildas, largely ignored? They're the only Aussie team actually winning something!

Why is it that politicians have to kiss every baby they see?

Why do Mario games still use lives? I'm not playing in an arcade, I'm playing on my couch!

Why do Aussie kids know sports stars better than famous scientists?

Why does the Christian church condemn homosexuality when priests are touching little boys?

Why is Michael Bay still making movies?

Why do people say LOL in everyday conversation? Are you on a computer?

Why is the word "baby" used so much in song lyrics? It's sexist!

Why did no one watch "Scott Pilgrim vs the World"? The movie was fucking awesome!!

ROFL? So laughing makes you fall onto the ground and tilt your body side-to-side?